Michael Holmboe was born in Stavanger; Norway. At 15 he had his own school in typewriting. Then after working some years in Stavanger electricwork, he started to study law, then quitted lawschool and became a local taxi driver. When he was twenty-nine he `ran to Jezreel Valley in Galilee and starting to work in a bakery i Nazareth. After spending some years in the place that produced the religion`s greatest mystics, went back to Norway. Once more he became a local taxidriver. In 1991 he received an award for bravery from Norwegian Carnegie Hero Fund (Carnegie`s Heltefond), based on the same principles as in the USA that honors civilians who have shown unusual bravery by putting their own life at risk in resquing others.
In 1995 Michael Holmboe took the initiative by planting a Memorial Forest near Beersheba in the Negev desert. Ten thousand trees are growing as a reminder of the noted Henrik Wergeland (1808-1845) who fought many gallant battle in respect for dignity and rights of every human beeing.
While the Wergeland Forest is growing, many and more people will realize that the world is more and more a single community, that the time for division and polarization has long past. "In the spirit of Wergeland - each tree is a reminder that is time to become a brotherhood of man and woman and leave the other ancestral ties and prejudices for whatever reason they came to be in the past."
Michael Holmboe's main interests is writing - and since he was twelve his articles in the humanities - has appeard in newspapers some thousand times.
Holmboe is a descend from danish emigrants coming to Norway in 17th century, the owner of Lesja Jernverk (Lesja Ironwork).

Lesja Jernverk main building around 1752. Reconstruction by professor
Johan Meyer 1910.
Reinhold Ziegler purchased in 1709 the Lesjaverket from Herman Treschow. Hans
Holmboe dy. bought the iron work in 1750. Following Holmboes death, Birgithe von Ziegler got married to Poul Irgens.
Iron work owner Hans Holmboe dy. (1721 - 1756)
Birgithe Holmboe von Ziegler (1723 - 1778)
The author and his wife, Kanda Ch. Meyer, lives nearby a park at Eiganes, in his home-town Stavanger. The house was build in 1891.
Telefax: + 47 51 56 03 22
E-mail : Michael Holmboe

In Memory of my Father, Haakon, senior fireofficer in Stavanger Fire Dept. - who fell down on duty in a Resque Operation. During WW2 my father was highly decorated for his service as Torpedo Commander on the destroyer "Stord" - Royal Norwegian Navy.
Firefighters are that rare bred of individuals who treasure both family and the ability to help others. They are honest and resourceful. They play the value of life at it`s highest level. They are rich in tradition and are loved by people from all walks of live."
Writings By Michael Holmboe
Children Of War
Little Things Make Life Meaningful

Dedicated to all those travelers
who share in the one journey
that can never be made alone

Copyright © 1995 - 2009 Regina Pickett Garson All writings, graphics and scripts are copyright by the individual authors. Nothing on this site may be reproduced without permission of the individual authors.
No claims are made as to the reliability of any of the information provided or linked, sources often disagree. None of these pages are meant to be a replacement for professional help, but a resource that enables one to be a more intelligent consumer. You can learn a lot by becoming aware of different opinions. Don't be afraid to ask questions when it comes to your health, physical or emotional.
Regina Garson, Editor and Publisher garson@hiwaay.net