Little Things Make Life MeaningfulBy Michael Holmboe Meyer
Suicide is often taboo. Therefore it is right that Aftenbladet accept
the challenge of focusing on this tragic subject. To be close, along
with showing that one is trying to be a fellow human being, is extremely
important in a society with increasing contempt for life.
People who find themselves in a difficult life situation can,
unfortunately, give up as a last resort.
In today's competitive society respect for the individual is
minimized. But it IS possible to mobilize resources in people who
have been close to a breakdown by showing tolerance and kindness.
It has often been proven that people have more resources than they
think. A few years ago Stavanger was visited by Nobel Prize winner Elie
Wiesel. He is the person who is a living example of how one can turn
hopelessness into victory.
Wiesel says that only one enemy is worse than despair: indifference.
"In every area of human creativity indifference is the enemy;
indifference of evil is worse than evil, because it is also sterile." Suffering can be turned to friendship and generosity. Elie Wiesel has
shown an entire world that despair is never the answer and that hope is
always stronger. Every single human being can carry the message of this hope.
Originally published in Stavanger Aftenblad, Stavanger, Norway. the year after he received the Nobel Peace Prize, taken by The supreme judge in Stavanger, honorable Olav T. Laake. Used with permission. Suicide Resources Magic Stream Home Copyright © 1996 Michael Holmboe Meyer |
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