Holiday Survival and Fun
How to Deal with Holiday Stress
-- By Regina Garson, Magic Stream Publisher Is the holiday season already a frenzy? Don't give up yet. Here are some time-honored tactics to help you deal with the stress of any holiday.
Ten Tips for Coping with Holiday Stress
-- By Mark Sichel
We all look forward to the holidays and hope that they will be a time
of happiness, friendliness, fellowship, and harmony. Yet often our
anticipation and excitement turns into depression and disharmony.
Healthful Feasting
For Those In A Frenzy!
By Anthony S. Beard, RD, LD.
Medical Nutrition Therapist
Technology isn't always the greatest solution to our problems. Not being knowledgeable on healthful eating when pressed for time, appears to be at least part of the problem.
How to Help a Grieving Loved One During the Holidays -- While many people look forward to yearly gatherings with family and friends, for those who have lost someone special, the holidays may emphasize feelings of loss and loneliness.
The Holidays:
New Year's Day:
My New Year's Non-Resolutions --
By Regina Pickett Garson
I've never liked the idea of New Year's Resolutions. If you make them, you feel like you are somehow accountable. Still, as the holiday festivities wind down, I enjoy curling up and spending some time thinking. This is not a long assignment, just a few moments with a nice cup of coffee, a pen and a piece of scratch paper.
Valentine's Day -- February 14
A Note From Saint Valentine -- By Eric V. Allen
A first person account of the history of the very first Valentine and how Valentine's Day got started.
Teach Your Kids to Show Themselves They Care --
By Regina Pickett Garson Moments spent with special friends are treasures, but so are the moments spent alone. If kids learn it early, they are truly ahead of the game. There is only one person who stays with us from the time we are born until the day we die. Shouldn't we make certain that person feels special too?
Easter History and Tradition -- by Regina Garson
With the millenniums, Easter traditions have variously melded Christian, Jewish, and Pagan practices. Each has left its mark on the Easter season as we know it today. The following is an updated verious of the previous article. This version contains video clips that may not be suitable for children. Update: Easter History and Tradition
Easter: A Melting Pot of Sacred Traditions -- by Regina Garson
With the millenniums, Easter traditions have variously melded Christian, Jewish, and Pagan practices. Each has left its mark on the Easter season as we know it today.
Cinco de Mayo -- May 5, 1862
Cinco de Mayo -- By Regina Garson
Widely celebrated in the US, Cinco de Mayo started as a victory celebration of the Mexican Army against French forces in the city of Puebla. The growth of the holiday in the US is generally credited with being a result of promotions by beer and liquor companies, along with the bars, taverns, and clubs that serve up libations.
Juneteenth -- June 19, 1865
Juneteenth -- By Regina Garson
Juneteenth, Freedom Day, Emancipation, or African American Independence Day marks the day when the last slave in the United States was finally declared and set free after the Civil War had ended.
Christmas -- December 25
The Most Enduring Gift, Keep the Magic Alive
-- By Regina Garson As the holiday season swings into overdrive, many of us agonize over the perfect gift. No matter the budget, no matter the occasion, one of the few things that will last is....
Easy Holiday Activites to Do with the Children
-- By Angela Billings
Gather some pinecones, make the birds a special treat. Here's some easy ideas for fun, making memories with the kids.
Drop A Line
Say Hello
Tell Someone You Care
Wish them a Happy Holiday
With a Free E-Card
Get Aways:
For many the perfect holiday must involve some travel. Here are some online resources to get you packing.
Eurail Pass -- Travel Europe economically.
-- Eurail Selectpass
-- Senior Passes
-- eurail youth flexipass
The London Pass -- Wondering what to do in London? The London Pass gives you a list of options at a great price.
The New York Pass -- Admission to over 40 of New York City's best attractions.
The Philadelphia Pass
Sandals Royal Caribbean Resort & Offshore Island -- Ultra All-Inclusive Resort for couples. Renowned for its refined British traditions.
-- Beaches Family Resorts -- For families, couples and singles.
-- Enjoy an Ultra All-Inclusive vacation at Sandals Negril and save up to 50%. -- Find out more..
-- Dream Honeymoons; Complimentary Weddings!
-- Complimentary Renewal of Vows
Reaffirm your love with a Sandals vacation and the renewal of your vows -- Included. Find out more.
Travelocity -- Saves You on Flights, Hotels, Car Rentals, Cruises and More
-- Book Air + Hotel together and SAVE
-- Travelocity's Low Fare Alert -- Searches thousands of flights for fares that can save you 20%* or more on your trip.
Maps and Directions
Google Earth -- This is the map of all maps, satellite that is. There is a free version, (with images a couple years old). This involves a software download, but it can be fun to look at with the kids. Find your house or your destination. It can be fun even if you don't have kids. There is also a subscription service, with GPS support.
Map.com -- Free driving directions, they also have a map store if you need a more detailed map than the free services provide. Everything from local to international maps.
Mapquest -- Fairly good for everyday use, gives directions to and from your location and also provides a map.

Copyright © 1995 - 2013 Regina Pickett Garson All writings, graphics and scripts are copyright by the individual authors. Nothing on this site may be reproduced without permission of the individual authors.
No claims are made as to the reliability of any of the information provided or linked, sources often disagree. None of these pages are meant to be a replacement for professional help, but a resource that enables one to be a more intelligent consumer. You can learn a lot by becoming aware of different opinions. Don't be afraid to ask questions when it comes to your health, physical or emotional.

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