Cancer as a Rite of Passage --
By Dr. Laurence Magne
For most of us, just hearing the word “cancer’ sends a chill up our spine. The thought of receiving such a diagnosis causes spiraling thoughts of funeral plans and decisions about who will raise our children. For most, it’s a wake up call to begin living differently. It makes life rich when...
Coping with War
-- The physical and emotional consequences of war may touch all of us, and the
effects may be long-lasting.
Does the Change of Seasons Make You SAD? -- By Terre Seuss
As the days grow shorter, many people experience seasonal changes affecting their mood and ability to function.
Exercise Helps Keep Your Psyche Fit -- Research shows exercise to be a viable, cost-effective treatment for depression and may help in the
treatment of other mental disorders.
Hope for Life -- By Mikeal L. Best
I do not choose to be a common person. It is my right to be uncommon, the right to be myself.
What Makes People The Happiest? -- Researchers Say It's Not Money Or Popularity. APA Study Finds Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness and Self-Esteem at Top of List of Psychological Needs
Online Resources:
Building Self Confidence --
Learn how to overcome your fears and be a self confident person.
The articles on this site will definitely help you in building healthy self
Jews in Recovery -- For Jews and their families whose lives have been
affected by alcoholism and drug abuse and for the rabbis and treatment
professionals involved or concerned with addiction in the Jewish
John Nash -- A story about a true genius, and a real hero, who also has a mental illness. His words.
Mental Health Net -- Comprehensive listing of mental health resources for consumer and professional.
My-Hut -- Peter Ben-Israel's homepage is a cozy respit for inspiration and encouragement. He includes a selection of philosophic readings for those involved with recovery issues. - is the most complete guide to information about Self Improvement, Personal Growth and Self Help on the Internet. It is designed to be an organized directory, with articles and references to thousands of other Web Sites on the World Wide Web.
The Wounded Healer
Journal -- Points of departure for psychotherapists and others who have survived child
abuse and other trauma. Downloadable files, news, point-of-view pieces, treatment
resources and pointers to interesting people and places.
Other Resources:
The Affirmation Gallery -- Internalizing affirmations and positive words can make a tremendous difference in self image, self esteem and success. These poster selections are suitable for personal, classroom and group venus.
Dedicated to all those travelers
who share in the one journey
that can never be made alone
No claims are made as to the reliability of any of the information provided or linked, sources often disagree. None of these pages are meant to be a replacement for professional help, but a resource that enables one to be a more intelligent consumer. You can learn a lot by becoming aware of different opinions. Don't be afraid to ask questions when it comes to your health, physical or emotional.