Preventing Child Abuse
Online Resources:
Abuse Prevention Network -- The World Wide Internet Nerve
for professionals in the field of child abuse and neglect.
Sexual Abuse
Liz and Paul's Homepage --
"I want to let people, who were
abused as children, know that
they have choices other than to
continue to be victims or
No Safe Place - KIDS COUNT Report on Children
and Violence. Includes intervention and prevention strategies.
National Child Rights Alliance - Directed by youth and adult survivors of abuse and neglect.
Positive Parenting - Resources and information to make parenting more rewarding and effective.
The SIGCA Network
On Child Abuse And Neglect -- A private
subscription service developed
exclusively for physicians and
staff who are committed to the
treatment and prevention of child
abuse and neglect.
The Voice
of Reason - Rational opinions: child abuse and neglect, treatment of offenders, victims and more.
Preventing Child Abuse
Parenting & Families
Children's Books
Also See:
Recovery Resources
Self Defense
Self-help Resources
Sexual Abuse and Harassment
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 Dedicated to all those travelers who share in the one journey that can never be made alone
Copyright © 1995 - 2010 Regina Pickett Garson All writings, graphics and scripts are copyright by the individual authors. Nothing on this site may be reproduced without permission of the individual authors.
No claims are made as to the reliability of any of the information provided or linked, sources often disagree. None of these pages are meant to be a replacement for professional help, but a resource that enables one to be a more intelligent consumer. You can learn a lot by becoming aware of different opinions. Don't be afraid to ask questions when it comes to your health, physical or emotional.
Regina Garson, Editor and Publisher garson@hiwaay.net