Serial rapist targeting the elderly...lessons we can learn from... -- By
Tom Adair,
Crime Prevention Examiner Rape is one of the most despicable crimes, especially when it is committed against at risk victims such as the elderly or children. While some rapes may be technically unavoidable there are some lessons to be learned from these crimes that may help you avoid being victimized.
College Women Twice As Likely To Be Stalked -- By Megan Costello, A woman hears footsteps behind her as she walks back to her dorm at night... The same fellow seems to turn up in several of her classes... Should she be worried?
Online Charity Fraud -- By Regina Garson, Publisher Magic Stream. Cyber crime in every form is on the rise, and this includes phony charities and cyber looting. Don't let your guard down in times of disaster.
Men And Sexual Trauma -- By Julia M. Whealin, Ph.D. Men who
experience sexual assault may suffer from depression, PTSD, and other emotional problems. Emotional symptoms following trauma may be different from those of women.
Catharsis Increases Rather Than Decreases Anger
And Aggression -- Contrary to popular belief, venting anger through physical aggression-such as hitting a
punching bag or a pillow-does not decrease one's anger. According to new research, such acting out only increases a
person's hostility.
National Victim Center -- Numerous resources in providing assistance to victims of
crime and providers of assistance to victims of crime.
The Quiet Storm Project -- The most comprehensive youth dating violence prevention awareness programs available to educators and domestic violence prevention advocates.
Children to Resist Violence -- What
You Can Do:
A collaborative project of the American Psychological Association and the
American Academy of Pediatrics.
Taking The Bully By The Horns -- By Kathy Noll and Dr. Jay Carter. On helping kids deal with bullies, self-esteem and youth violence.
Teacher Talk -- Lesson plans and ideas to help teach students to live more gently and how to cope for the teachers.
No claims are made as to the reliability of any of the information provided or linked, sources often disagree. None of these pages are meant to be a replacement for professional help, but a resource that enables one to be a more intelligent consumer. You can learn a lot by becoming aware of different opinions. Don't be afraid to ask questions when it comes to your health, physical or emotional.