Coping With a Traumatic Event
-- A traumatic event disrupts your life. There is no simple fix to make things better right away. But there are actions that can help you, your family, and your community heal.
Online Charity Fraud -- By Regina Garson, Publisher Magic Stream. Cyber crime in every form is on the rise, and this includes phony charities and cyber looting. Don't let your guard down in times of disaster.
Dealing with Physical Disaster:
American Red Cross
Urges Public Health Precautions -- As storm-weary residents of the Gulf Coast region return to begin rebuilding their homes and their lives, the American Red Cross stresses that health and safety must be a paramount concern.
Catholic Charities USA -- The largest private network of social service organizations in the US works to support families, reduce poverty, and build communities. Site includes info on local resources.
-- Hurricane Katrina: Health & Safety -- How to survive the aftermath. Prevent illness, and injury, physical and emotional well being, safe cleanup, repairs and more.
Local Independent
- A federation of over 500 local nonprofit charitable organizations. This site will help you find organizations that meet your interests, present information about their missions and programs.
NAMI Responds to Hurricane Katrina --
Resources, Support, Education, and how you can either help or get help for Gulf Coast Consumers, Families, and Friends Living with Mental Illness.
The United Way -- Use the local and zip code search options to find information on aid that may be available in your area.
Coping Emotionally
Trauma Treatment Manual -- Originally written for people working in the field with survivors of rape in
Bosnia. Can be used as a guide for helping anyone who has
survived any kind of trauma.
Helping Children After a Disaster. -- A catastrophe or violent act is frightening to children and adults alike. It is important to acknowledge the
frightening parts of the disaster when talking with a child about it. Falsely
minimizing the danger will not end a child's concerns.
PTSD And Older Veterans -- The phrase, "war is hell," only begins to describe how terrifying war is for military personnel.
When Disaster Strikes: Helping children cope with life at its worst -- Whether they see it on TV, or live through it themselves, children too have to cope and come to some level of acceptance and understanding in the face of disaster. This information is from the national PTA.
Managing Traumatic Stress -- From the APA, what happens and how to cope after a disaster. How do you know when you need help?
Finding Lost Loved Ones
Family Links Register -- ICRC's website help those separated by conflict or disaster to find information about their loved ones in order to restore contact.
Missing and Found Children, Lost Loved Ones Hot Line --
U.S. Department of Justice is working with Natioinal Center for Missing and Exploited Children. See posted photos of children of Katrina with Hot Line: 1-888-544-5475
Search and Rescue, U.S. Coast Guard --
Requests for rescues of missing or stranded persons will be entered into the system, viewed by command center and prioritized as received.
National Next of Kin Registry -- Free US emergency contact system. You will need to register to locate loved ones or to be found. -- Disaster/Emergency Response: database to aid the pets affected by Hurricane Katrina.
Dedicated to all those travelers who share in the one journey that can never be made alone
No claims are made as to the reliability of any of the information provided or linked, sources often disagree. None of these pages are meant to be a replacement for professional help, but a resource that enables one to be a more intelligent consumer. You can learn a lot by becoming aware of different opinions. Don't be afraid to ask questions when it comes to your health, physical or emotional.