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Ten Tips for Coping with Holiday Stress
By Mark Sichel, LCSW
We all look forward to the holidays and hope that they will be a time
of happiness, friendliness, fellowship, and harmony. Yet often our
anticipation and excitement turns into feelings of depression and/or
family disharmony.
Part of what happens in the holiday season, in terms of mood changes
and anxiety, may occur because of the stressfulness of holiday
events. It may also be caused by overdrinking, overeating, and
fatigue. The demands of the season are many: shopping, cooking, and
travel house guests, family reunions, parties, office parties, and
extra financial burden.
Sometimes people who are not generally depressed actually struggle
with holiday depression. Symptoms can include headaches, insomnia,
uneasiness, anxiety, sadness, intestinal problems, and unnecessary
conflict with family and friends.
Here are some tools to get through the holiday season happily—as well
as ways to prevent problems and misery for yourself and your loved
1. Have an attitude of gratitude. Misery and gratitude cannot
occupy the same space in our psychological house, and we have the
power to choose between these emotional states.
2. One golden rule to getting along with family….be responsible
for how you behave; you certainly have no control over how your
relatives behave. The most important part of avoiding holiday stress
with our families is for each of us to feel mastery over, &
satisfaction with, our own behaviors, attitudes, & feelings. If you
know in your head and your heart that you've acted like the best
parent, child, brother, sister, friend that you know how to be, you
can walk away from any difficulty feeling good about yourself.
3. If you're feeling depressed and lonely, volunteer with any
number of groups that help underprivileged or hospitalized children,
the homeless, or the aged and disabled at the holidays. There are
many, many opportunities for doing community service. No one can be
depressed when they are doing community service.
4. Decide upon your priorities and stick to them. Organize your
time. Be reasonable with your schedule. Do not overbook yourself
into a state of exhaustion--this makes people cranky, irritable, and
5. Remember, no matter what your plans, the holidays do not
automatically take away feelings of aloneness, sadness, frustration,
anger, and fear.
6. Be careful about resentments related to holidays past.
Declare an amnesty with whichever family member or friend you are
feeling past resentments. Do not feel it is helpful or intimate to
tell your relative every resentment on your long laundry list of
grievances. Don't let your relative do that to you, either.
7. Don't expect the holidays to be just as they were when you
were a child. They NEVER are. YOU are not the same as when you were a
child, and no one else in the family is either. On the other hand,
if your memories of childhood holidays are awful, be grateful that
you now have the capacity and skills to make them wonderful for
yourself and those you love.
8. Plan unstructured, low-cost fun holiday activities: window-
shop and look at the Holiday decorations. Look at people's Christmas
lighting on their homes, take a trip to the countryside, etc.--the
opportunities are endless.
9. Do not let the holidays become a reason for over-indulging in
food and drink and create unnecessary weight gain and hangovers for
yourself. This will exacerbate your depression and anxiety.
Contrary to popular opinion, alcohol is a depressant.
10. Give yourself a break; create time for yourself to do the
things YOU love to do.
If you keep only one thing in mind to combat the holiday
blues, make it be to remember: The choice is always yours: The sky
is partly sunny, and the glass is half full, if you want it to be
that way. Depression is usually a clinical disorder, but
sometimes "the blues" confront all of us, particularly at holiday
time. It may be caused by the memory of loss, feelings of
disappointment, or just being run down from parties, overeating, and
drinking. But for many of us, holiday depression can be a choice we,
in effect, choose to make. If we choose not to make this choice, we
can choose instead to focus on the partly sunny skies and revel in
our gratitude for our bounty, health, hope, and our courage to face
each day with hope and determination.
Copyright 2004: Mark Sichel is a psychotherapist, consultant, and
speaker on a broad range of issues related to family, mental health,
and interpersonal problems. He is the editor and principal author of
the award winning self-help website, www.psybersquare.com. For a
more detailed guide to overcoming the panic brought on by
dysfunctional family experiences, read Mark Sichel's new book,
Healing From Family Rifts : Ten Steps to Finding Peace After Being
Cut Off From a Family. For more information about this book visit
the author's website:
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No claims are made as to the reliability of any of the information provided or linked, sources often disagree. None of these pages are meant to be a replacement for professional help, but a resource that enables one to be a more intelligent consumer. You can learn a lot by becoming aware of different opinions. Don't be afraid to ask questions when it comes to your health, physical or emotional.