Autism is a developmental disorder which usually becomes evident
before the age of three years. It is a neurological or brain
disorder in which behavior, communication, and social interactions
are the primary disabilities.
The rate of incidence, or how often autism occurs in children,
ranges from five to fifteen out of 10,000 births. The different
estimates are based on slightly different definitions of autism.
It is three times more common in boys than girls and is rarely
found in more than one child in a family.
Autism can be caused by a number of factors, but the cause
in the vast majority is not known. It is known that autism is
caused by biological, not psychological, factors.
Some babies show signs of autism from infancy. They may not
like to cuddle and may show little interest in their families.
Typical characteristics of autism are often described as:
difficulty relating to people, objects and events;
repetitive movements such as rocking and spinning,
head banging and hand twisting;
insistence that the environment and routine remain unchanged;
avoidance of eye contact;
verbal and nonverbal communication skills are severely
use of toys and objects is an unconventional manner,
little imaginative play;
severe impairment of social interaction development; and
limited intellectual ability.
It should be noted that any one of these characteristics may
occur in children with other disabilities. In these cases the term
"autistic-like" behavior is used.
Educational Implications
Early diagnosis and educational evaluation of autism are very
important, although help given at any age can make a significant
Public Law 101-476, the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA), formerly the Education of the Handicapped
Act, now includes autism as a separate disability category.
Children with autism will be eligible for special education and
related services under this new category.
Until recently, children with autism have been eligible for
special education and related services under the category of "other
health impaired." The regulations (CFR 300.5) to the Education of
the Handicapped Act state, "Other health impaired means (i) having
an autistic condition which is manifested by severe communication
and other developmental and educational problems...". These
regulations will be changed to reflect autism as a category included
under the IDEA.
Emphasis in education needs to be on helping the child to
learn ways to communicate and on structuring the environment so
that it is consistent and predictable. Effective teaching includes
attention to behavior plans, positive behavior management, and
clear expectations and rules.
Many of these methods can be developed in conjunction with
parents and followed through at home. Continuity and consistency
between home and school environments can greatly aid in the security
and progress of persons with autism.
While autism is a lifetime condition, with special training,
supervision, and support, many adults with autism can live and
work in the community.
Autism Research International Newsletter
Institute for Child Behavior Research
4182 Adams Avenue
San Diego, CA 92116
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Plenum Publishing Corporation
233 Spring Street
New York, NY 10013
Park, Clara. (1982). The Siege. Boston; Little, Brown and Company.
Powers, Michael D. (Ed.). (1989). Children with Autism, A Parent's
Guide. Rockville, MD; Woodbine House.
Wing, L., M.D., (1980). Autistic Children: A Guide for Parents
and Professionals. Secaucus, NJ: The Citadel Press.
Autism Hotline
Autism Services Center
101 Richmond Street
Huntington, WV 25702
(304) 523-8269
Autism Society of America
8601 Georgia Avenue
Suite 503
Silver Spring, MD 20910
(301) 565-0433
Institute for Child Behavior Research
4182 Adams Avenue
San Diego, CA 92116
(618) 281-7165
National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities P.O. Box 1492
Washington, DC 20013
(703) 893-6061 (Local)
(703) 893-8614 (TT)
1-800-999-5599 (Toll-free)
This fact sheet was developed by Interstate Research Associates, Inc.
pursuant to Cooperative Agreement #H030A00002 with the Office of
Special Education Programs. The contents of this publication do not
necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of
Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products or
organizations imply endorsement by the U. S. Government.
This information is in the public domain unless otherwise indicated.
Readers are encouraged to copy and share it, but please credit the
National Information Center for Children and Youth with
Disabilities (NICHCY).